I really like this series, for several reasons.
First of all, it's a campy take on the old comic book series, Batman the Brave and the Bold. Its a great opportunity for DC to get kids and adults back into their characters. Its also a good excuse to recycle some character that a) don't get a lot of face time b) no one really cares about. For example, I really had no idea who Deadman was until I saw the preview for the episode. Either way its smart. Other notable heroes is guys like B'Wana Beast, Bronze Tiger, Fun Haus and Clock King just to name a few.
Second, I really like the art style. For me, I am reminded of DK2 when I see it, which is what intially drew me to the series. Obviously its not as colorful or abstract, but it is still edgy and exciting.
Third, the writing is very good for a kids show. Obviously, the writers knew that adults and older fans were going to be interested when the series came out. I don't want to say the show is toned down but it is not as serious as some of DC's writing. I also really like all the stupid jokes and action they have. The show really gives a humorous element to a lot of characters you wouldn't expect it from (Aquaman). A prime example is the fact that Green Arrow isn't a communist. Another is that Batman, as sullen and dark as he tries to be, is actually a pretty friendly and good natured guy. They touch upon his parents death at point, but its never as serious a motivator as other elements.
All in all, Batman the Brave and the Bold is a really great series. It reminds me of the campy, Adam West era Batman but adapted well for the modern age. As I've said before, there are two different types of Batman, the Dark Side and the Campy Lighter Side. Everyone loved the Dark Knight and I don't blame them but I think theres no way to beat the Campy, Silliness that Batman has to offer. (Which is why I love Batman & Robin, but thats a different dicussion altogether)